Added blend mode option to cast bars and changed the blend mode by default.Fixed a bug that caused some addons external to the MUI pack from showing their tool-tips.Added options to disable different types of tool tips while in combat.Fixed bug for non-enUS language/locale users causing the UI to break (or at least the timer bars to stop working with a Lua error showing).Fixed cast bar status bar color for TBC Classic.Added Chinese and Italian language support.Added many missing translations for different languages.

Updated button sizes across MUI windows to fit text.Many users were experiencing bugs with out-of-sync addon versions between MUI_Core, MUI_Config and MUI_Setup so I am putting all 3 into the same downloads folder because they must be installed together.Fixed professions menu for TBC profession levels.Fixed tooltips config menu from not loading.Reskinned checkboxes and sliders in the config menu.Fixed a Layout Tool bug when switching between layouts and changing profile options.Added options to change X-Offset and Y-Offset of main container frame in the MUI config menu (see General submenu).Added custom chat aliases feature with customisation in the MUI config menu (see Chat Frame > Custom Aliases).Added Chat text highlighting feature with customisation in the MUI config menu (see Chat Frame > Text Highlighting).Fixed Shadowed Unit Frame LibHealComm Lua error.Fixed chat channel bug when first logging in.Fixed database bug which prevented new users from installing the UI.Fixed broken Aura submenus in config options.Added zhTW, koKR, and esMX localization#.Added missing localizations for all locales.Fixed Lua bug complaining about `data` being nil for popup windows.Added ability to change the color of timestamps in chat.Fixed chat timestamp bugs clashing with the custom chat alias feature.Fixed profile manage bugs (including copying from profile and creating a new profile).

Fixed bug where timestamps broke the chat highlighting feature.Fixed modifier key bug which broke the ability for chat frame shortcut buttons from switching when modifier key was down.Added fix for "fieldNames" is a nil value (Lua error), which broke MUI config menu for many.Added fixes for Russian font (name's appeared cut off with a symbol).Updated Shadowed Unit Frame default settings.Fixed many reported Lua bugs reported on GitHub.

Support for Burning Crusade patch 2.5.2 (BCC only).Added support for LFG icon and LFG movable frames (BCC only).Fixed a bug preventing the user from resetting their currency using the data text bar.Fixed a bug preventing the user from adding more Timer Bar Fields.